วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Flower Ben Mon to Fri or Barley grass Juice Extract.

When it comes to flowers, many people will feel the fresh flowers are beautiful appearance. Different and beautiful in Chinese literature. Different flowers have different meanings to different. May not only have the meaning of freshness alone. Such as chrysanthemum Barley grass Juice Extract, or that it will be in Thailand only Chinese cities have as well. It will bloom beautifully in the winter. Planted very Hang Zhou city south of Shanghai. Chrysanthemum tea to brew Hang Hang Eu๊u Eu๊u word is Barley grass Juice Extract city Hang Zhou sure enough. Because of the chrysanthemum often bloom beautifully. And retention in winter Resulting in a symbol of strength. Moral Oononon not seasonal.

Chinese history has the praise. One of the great poet. Tao Yuan Ming name. Jin Dynasty was founded by the late Yi Su to the Three Kingdoms Period that Is loyal to Jin dynasty very When the Jin Dynasty ends. Tao Yuan Ming, the new government will not accept anymore although there are many who persuade even turned to farming to grow chrysanthemum see beauty in the village as their home. To detach away from the bustle of a confused public. Motto that is willing to hold a Yahu better you will be my slave 2 2 Mr. loyalty to the dynasty Jin Tao Yuan Ming. And the mania of his chrysanthemum This is another reason for people to make a reputation as the meaning of the chrysanthemum that. As a symbol of tolerance principle not take the wrong Oononon. Praise rank and fortune.

Japan told the story of that One young woman trying to find flowers with petals most In order to worship the gods. It believes that the more leaves the better. She will be with love for only She brought the most flower petals petals 17 to cut a fringe and eventually lead worship with her husband she is forever Japan has set up a kind of flower is the name of a woman who love this person that Kim Ku Nakano. Chrysanthemum polychromatic But the most popular color is white to convey the true light of hope.
Chrysanthemum yellow: the flower of good fortune. Whether it is learning about love.

Chrysanthemum flower and national identity Emperor of Japan.

Anthurium flowers.

This is brought about with the flowers that mean really well in. That is not bad flower anthurium sure enough to know the meaning of the first flower anthurium was impressed with the feeling that generous in. I understand it now, there's anthurium flowers together. Yes, if till then known So I came in..

Meaning the inspiration of anthurium flowers.Means a lonely girl who sadly.But arrogant as torture in itself.
In terms of love.Anthurium flower means love is strong and patient.Flowers like anthurium stored no longer languish
The meaning of "Red anthurium flowers."It means people irritable Feel angry, irritated and in. There is no reason.

Anthurium wood is several years old. Oybngm straight stems. The climbers will be sprouting with the same amount of growth. The crest of high growth may be found at the root trunk It will break when enough moisture. Because the plant root system can absorb water and moisture from the air better.
The inflorescence of Anthurium, also known as flowering cabbage is the truth. Including stem bouquet of flowers, which are sub-sorted small crowded on cabbage. This is a perfect small flower flower sex Pollen in both male and female pollen. In the same flower. Flowers on the stem will have several different color color
When the saucer flowers unfurl calf out to be a yellow light or color, mixed red, the species flowers at the base cabbage turns white chase to the end of calf show that flowering and when the blister total pollen, the female started to water, sticky Show. that flower is ready to bloom after pollination the male pollen to female Therefore, anthurium, most likely will not mix itself. In addition, except for some species of anthurium hybrids Pollen most. Pollen is a pervading cold temperatures. The most often mixed in the winter.

U.S. anthurium varieties used in red and light red, accounting for more 80% 20% pink and white.
In France and Switzerland. Popular red and orange.
Do not forget to go in. I planted some.

วันเสาร์ที่ 28 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Hydrangea flowers.

Many textbooks say that the Hydrangea flower that represents coldness Because it is a temperate plants.However, the K taste ever found. K. taste more like steamed over the meaning ...Meaning said ...
Thank you for understanding ...Thank you for your understanding ...
Meaning that for a Hydrangea flowers as possible.While flowers will reveal a small door in cold areas. Although its color will change back and forth. Although it is too sensitive to acidity - alkalinity of the soil. Although it does not smell like flowers online ...
Foreign countries often know the name of Hydrangea Horn Dennis Shea (Hortensia) is a genus in the family. Hydrangeaceae.
These include the genus and 80 different currencies mainly found in China, Japan, North America, found from Mexico to South America.
However, some currencies may be found in Australia, New Zealand (9 genera), Africa (6 genera), the European currency was only one Hydrangea number of species to 80 species.
Tong mainly used to develop the human species, creating hybrids out of hundreds of botanical species name that is Hydrangea macrophylla.

Types and sources of Hydrangea interesting (some species).
- China (south-west and the Himalayas, near Tibet) Hydrangea anomala (climbers), H. aspera, H. Bretschneideri, H. chungii, H. coacta, H. coenobralis, H. davidii, H. dumicola, H. gracilis, H. heteromalla, H. longipes, H. macrocarpa.
- Japan, Hydrangea hirta, H. involucrate, H. macrophylla, H. paniculata, H. scandens.
- Country Argentina (South) Hydrangea serratifolia.
- Taiwan Hydrangea kawakamii, H. involucrate.
- Philippines, Hydrangea scandens.History imported into Thailand.

Thai people have long known Hydrangea not sure that anyone who orders this type of plants into Thailand, but any time.
But the inference was that he came to Thailand during the reign of King Chulalongkorn His Majesty the trip because of Singapore and the island.
Java Indonesia including all the European countries where they came a trip abroad. He has to plant flowers.
Many types to grow in the Suan Dusit Palace Hydrangea is likely to come to Thailand at that time as well, although no evidence.
That any person is a leader in the first matter.Botany

Hydrangea (Hydrangea) is a 1-3 meter high wooden jump classified as a multi-season plants like cold weather. Some kinds of trees.
Or ivy, but most often leaves the short shrub Leaves opposite a big edge in size shall form the end of the inflorescence branches, or balance.
Ornamental flowering stem leaves contain a variety of colors but beautiful. Hydrangea may be deciduous or evergreen, but if a species.
In a warm area will shed leaves in winter dormancy of Hydrangea flowers to tip the balance the trunk or branches. A bouquet of flowers a bouquet of foot
Cho Lan or isolated areas (corymbsorpanicles) inflorescence consists of two flowers were the perfect flower sex, which is small.
The inflorescence is at the heart of major The group of small flowers with large flower size is striking is the fact that the flower petals from a flower.
More eye-catching accessories. Circling around the outer edge of the large bouquet of flowers Hydrangea Some small flower bouquet of flowers, including a complete sex
I have the bouquet. Hydrangea flowers are mostly white, but some key species such as H. macrophylla can be red, blue.
Pink or purple, depending on the level of acidity or alkalinity of the planting. If planting is acidic pH 5.0-5.5 flower color will be issued.
Blue. If the condition is spotted to purple or pink flowers, if planted in the planting of Hydrangea flowers neutral conditions are pale cream color.
Because Hydrangea is one of the few plant species Al sequestration. That will be released from the plant.
With acid. That solution will react with the petals make up the blue. Hydrangea Regular soil to be acid.
pH 6.0-6.5 to thrive.Cultural commercial.

Hydrangea classified as an ornamental plant that has been very popular species of Europe and the United States. In Thailand has grown well only in the area.
A cold climate. High humidity in the air, such as Chiang Rai, Chiang Mai (1000 meters high above the area to provide extra benefits).
Rua Khao Kho, etc. in the Philippines. Grow the business. In areas ranging from 1800 meters high like hilltop
The bar where someone you know has gotten a cold and damp areas. The potted plant is sold in most countries. Hydrangea is grown commercially.
H. macrophylla, which has more than 600 varieties, most of these species grow very large and expanding cultivated by Pak Cham King.

The Plantation Hydrangea to produce a dried flower. Royal Project Foundation. Starting from year 2536 development centers.
Royal Project, Chiang Mai Khun Chom Thong district paste was dried flower varieties are introduced. To encourage other farmers to grow professionally
Extra income by the author (Rns.am.e. Charu get gold from Kasetsart University Union is the project leader of ornamental products, dry).
Were introduced and several kinds of dried flowers to encourage farmers in the catchment area of ​​the Royal Project Development Center finishing paste
Mr. Pisanu Sinchai Union staff have brought flowers Hydrangea plant, which has adorned the station to be expanded.
Has 800 species of trees are native species were cultured in a black bag about a year that has led farmers to promote Karen.
And the inhabitants of the city Hydrangea Flowers longevity for many years known as permanent crops. In cold weather conditions with high
1000 above sea level. Meters or more can be found Hydrangea bloom throughout the year. Especially during the rainy season - winter
Quality flowers are very beautiful, but must depend a good deal with

Varieties of Hydrangea in Thailand There are several varieties were.

1. Cultivars. Old varieties of imported long And adapt well to hot weather.

2. Botstein new varieties imported by the Royal Project.

3. Sister Therse.

4. Oregon Pride.

Recently Neu horticulture in England, succeeded in breeding new varieties Hydrangea was named 'Endless Summer'.
This has the genetic hybrid would be the first to breed a bouquet of spheres (mophead) who can make flowers look up on the branches the first year of life.
And will create more interest to them within the first year to admire the flower growers have to leave quickly against all the old varieties.
Currently General Nursery in the United States to develop commercial production by the new Hydrangea varieties after flowering then.

วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Flower forget me not.

After you know the advantage of the flowers to it a lot and tired my moment henceforth will come to know the history and meaning of flowers each, some have been better in. the beginning of flowering the first well at all I just recently saw people safe. Where he has a couple, then envy Oh so I want a pair with him what I would like to cite a flower that represents love, indeed the story to each other listening to expectations, it 'are tired enough to know and use the silk as it is a flower what is correct in. flowers. today is the flowering Ford packet with nuts.
History of Fort packet with nuts. Most people come to know and grow Ford nut socket with a particular strain from the original small blue flowers. And recount the myth of western people since ancient times that A German knight who dress in armor Eeeamis to fight. Farewell between lovers. Was bent to pick flowers to give to a young woman fell into the water and then slip. Could not be more out of the water because of its heavy armor. And before the young knight to pay great move to the water. Threw flowers to the woman in love with yelled, "Remember me" or "Fort socket with nut, flower, this is called forget me not flowers For skating with the Knoxville Dot also means love. genuine Often appear regularly on a Valentine's card, young couples give to each other. And became a flower that until today.
The "For Socket bolts with Angels" is a new breed imported from Australia. There is a special breed from the old flower head is large and multi-colored flowers are considered best to have a unique scent. It is becoming widely popular of today's rapidly growing.
General Characteristics Ford nut socket with an angel or ANGELFACE PINK in family ANGELONIA a semi-annual water wood with 2 years stems erect leaves are 1 meter high single leaf. The opposite third leaf is layered from stem to tip the leaves on the stem are larger than the card next in the order to shoot leaves are oval pointed cone attached to them, most will break. branches from the base of trees. Each branch will lift stand
Characteristics of a bouquet of flowers will bloom clusters as leaves from the corner. Stem up the middle to balance the trunk. Each bouquet consists of many small flowers. Christianity as a sort rules. Full bloom diameter is about half an inch in many colors such as pink, purple, white and colored beads Maprang flowers are fragrant light. If planted as a group. Divided into zones, each color When a Dog and flowers bloom simultaneously. Is a natural beauty with lovely smelly aroma gently into the nose very impressed by the flowers out ever. Propagation by cuttings planting trees. Grown in common soil. Are not like sunlight and like lots of water. So, after growing need watering regularly and fertilizing once a month 16-16-16 formula is not lacking from the beautiful flowers.
Propagation. Early mother nearly 2 feet from the base of a tree, cut the lead to creep cut into 2 pieces soak in 3 inch high containers leaving its roots germinated 10-15 days out can be grown at all. But early in the catch should be set for 10 days and 16-16-16 fertilizer once before planting ornamental outdoor The parents to be cut will be branching up again and stay offline for 2 years before expiration.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Delicious flowers.

Today we know the flowers also form a tired my friends know darling that flowers beautiful that we see because network will be a dessert is not speaking the same frivolous tired my excellently, but flowers bring a dessert. Nia can eat and still taste really tired my excellently well call it they called in. I mention pretty tasty desserts drew up hungry and then come in. This well known candy that I have been better in..
Rose is a rose, Mon. Sprinkle the petals pink red hot candy candy candy monsoons forget to swallow the aroma and beauty of wood to put in a Punch fragrance.Apple pollen from apple sling Mamiew apple flowers. Purple-red using pollen to comment Boil the coconut milk and chilli dip. Fermented shrimp stew served with a stew of noodles Muat solutionFlowers flowers emanate pervading the entire flower bud and flowers bloom. Jim boiled beef chili lime sour soup spicy fried mixed vegetable soup with pork.Sesbania flower is the yellow flower. Bring to boil chili lime dip, sour candy flowers made of fried dough Sano Chung year dip sauce fried noodles in a chili Muat.Grief and sorrow to flower to flower, sour salad Plaza.Flower Feungfah Chung year as fried flour noodles Muat put chiliFlowers pale pink flowers Poyongcampooo small. Chung fried dough last year. Muat put a noodle paste.Lan Thom off the petals and white flowers. Tire out the all clear. Chung fried dough last year. Muat put a noodle paste.Butterfly Pea flower purple Flowers used to have many benefits. On the color of the food. Used as food colors. The purple petals crushed thoroughly. Add a little water, put some white juice, water can only enter the dessert. If less is colored light blue. If the dessert is very purple.Jasmine the flower bud and bloom rinse thoroughly. Bake in boiled water. Will have a cv for a mixture of Thai fragrant dessert. It is also used for baking smell.Thai Ylang Choose flowers with yellow Mop water to dry. Power Plant Edeinob then rip pieces 2-3 cloves put in the cup with jasmine floating in the bowl of water add 5 cups of water boiled jasmine flower 1 10 flower Ylang is a fresh cv. Mix everything in a Thai dessert. If flowers are used to clear the floating flowers thoroughly. Morning to collect flowers, do not soak up water out of place if the competition put jasmine Kornadeongongrenaฟ and flowers floating in the water will smell like a float in the water.Pumpkin flower brought Egamuadi chilli dip, sour lemon, used as a vegetable curry as one of the onlyDouamakham be sour fried pork cooked with chilli dip. Roasted fish head curry.Kapok flower or flowers year Ngiu Chung fried dough. Add the noodles are Muat chiliTop hyacinth flowers flower resembles galangal be sour chilli dip Egamuadi.Flower Uuicnri fried spicy pork liver, pork, fried shrimp and crab.Canton flowers boiled with pork fried ong Jim Curry prawns with pork or beef.Fragrant flowers used sour pork, fried shrimp.Hot and sour rice, bring flowers.Cauliflower, Chinese cabbage with pork, shrimp fry used to be put in the diced vegetables, red curry chicken, pork, vegetables, salads, used as steaks.Flowers, vegetables, corn was used for sour pork, fried shrimp.Mango flower soft Fermented fish paste stew stab you paste stew stew stew Fermented bean pasteFlower Pins Chung year brought fried dough. Muat noodles are put in chili.Tuberose flowers bring fried with shrimp, pork, chickenLotus water lily flower small diversion to the dip stew pickled fish Jim roasted chili paste.Acacia flower pot chili lime dip mixCanon flowers boiled with coconut milk Served with chili, sour lemon, be brought stuffed with pork, chicken, shrimp fried dough Chung year fried spicy dipping sauce, red lightFlower Cassia siamea flowers bring soup with pork, shrimp, chicken, roast beef.Bring Roselle Roselle sour water. Drinking hot fix.Neem flowers bring hot water blanching. Dipping sauce served with sweet sauce Kung Pao as snakehead fish grilledDurian brought flowers, sour roast beef salad.Flower แcฝrnenong Chung year put a fried flour noodles in chili Muat.Marigold Chung year put a fried noodle Muat in chili Mix rice, shrimp paste, sprinkle tear. Add fish, boiled lamb, sweet onion slices sprinkle pepper squeeze lemonPlaza Flowers Flower Ration Ration.Banana Flower (banana blossom), the banana blossom and make it wide range of food. Coconut milk and bring to boil. Chili lime dip. Bring a vegetable, put chicken soup. Be put in a vegetable salad chicken frog used in a vegetable curry Kaeng Liang Cat. Bring banana blossom salad with shrimp Banana blossom soup with pork ribs. Fried banana blossom salad made banana blossom burning.Monkey flower and then that is a small purple flower with orchid-like flowers are just broken a small button. End of the big dairy slender flowers look like flowers, soft leaves like long-form piece with a sweet vegetable soup Canon put spicy mixed vegetable soupJim galangal flower stew chilli dip.Lang led the flower petals Chung Flour year. Eating noodles with chili pepper sauceFlowers, olive paste dip stew stew pickled fishRation flower salad, sour Plaza.Flower Laddawan Egamuadi Jim Curry.Vegetables, flowers, vegetables, water or stomach Na Srieinong Saneayr Khrekheid Ugamuugong ผeuoeแpa lotus lotus diversion Eผืnon Hyacinth Turtle Saibua watercress, most will have contact with flowers. Eat shoots and flowers are either eaten raw.Som Siew flowers are flowers used sour, sour soup with pork.Flower salad with dried shrimp paste dip Daykornahri.

Flowers have medicinal properties.
Flowers on flowers from Thailand will be rare. There are only some that are still growing it out. Ornamental. Some are big trees. Should be planted in the garden If there is no flower so that it does not look anything out. Mai Thai is known for collection. In addition to its flowers are fragrant and beautiful. Also, the quality of the drugs included. The knowledge useful in daily life.
Thai Ylang flowers. The trees grow green and flower petals into other long and medium pollen pale yellow green color flat aroma therapeutic benefits. Wood, leaves and flowers eaten boiled as a diuretic. Flowers cooked as herbal medicine cure nausea wind lift the mind from being moist. Flower Power Plant to be used for baking Thai Hom.Acacia trees, white flowers are small-scale. Small frizzy Round leaves and white flowers as jujube. Flowers used as a liver tonic. Eueedkornaden solve the eye.Flowers emanate a wooden climbing vine. Efficacy of drugs. Mixed roots Eye drops. Eat the vomit. Neutralize toxic drug Failure to know the taste of food poisoning do.Cassia siamea flowers from a large tree root ball flower leaves eaten as a laxative combination Uษai toxic toxic toxic mucus Ehnebcha fever.Rice is grown ornamental flowering trees, lighted outdoor climbing fences billion. Roots used to make eye drops eyes fix ceiling dim red eye to drugs neutralize poison drunk flowers are used to make sour.Needle and white flowers are shrubs. Pan put the altar flowers. Drug benefits in eating the roots have a sweet fix of eye diseases appetite.Red flower pins are medium-sized tree. Benefits of drugs to solve the root deadly resolve phlegm cure gastric ulcer maintenance solution eyes swollen with disabilities bring flowers Chung year Muat the noodles are fried chiliCat is a medium sized flowering trees. Small round flowers in pairs on long bean-like flowers flowers leaves the root bark is boiled flowers drug made sour chilli dip on the drug benefit. Peel boiled juice cure diarrhea correct twist solve Cuamhreu flux.Karaket flowers as they are flowering shrubs Toei Lamchiak flickering out from the petals.Kalong white flowers flowers 5-8 cm large bouquet of flowers is a flat, 3-10 flowers per bouquet flower fresh-water used to cure headaches. Lower blood pressure. Cure blood diseases by the gums. Resolve phlegm disabledKannika flowers with white flowers like gardenia flowers from a bouquet of guava stem red orange juice from the stem to remove the water, candy paint. And the dyeing. Boil drinking cure headache. Maintain good water leaves the flower used to cure fever, wind solution to solve the boiling water grizzly Kannika flowers. Bath Skin Care for fresh shoots and roots, sweet and astringent. Rain water for cooking or drinking cough.Flowers small, white, clean glass flower petals five petals are white, yellow pollen, smell like Amaแygong force of any child is a big month chelation. Prasa drug called glass leaves. Used as a cure colic bloated fart maintain tight blood.Krisna biggest flower bouquet of flowers. Fragrant flowers to nourish the heart blood, liver and lungs is normal. Used as herbal medicine cure nausea wind front. Fragrance mix all types of Incense Thai Ngmob seed oil. Treatment of leprosy. And dermatology.Cedecgr flowers, the quality of the drug solution astringent taste blood poisoning and fever cure pituitary leaves blood fix diffuse Flower resolve deadly blood Division. Effective blood drive monthly maintenance blood started boiling tap root to solve the blood out of the gums purify blood boil drinking drivers spoilage of women. And used as a blood tonic.Lotus has both pink and white altar used to seed both soft and edible. Lotus seeds, food and sweets and meat Characteristics such as lotus seed flour used to make candy out the roots and stalks boiled in hot water in the resolve of drug use pollen and seeds, lotus roots are medicinal machine. A dope solution in hot dry cure cure cure phlegm blisterIts flowers Lamchiak flower pollen in the middle of the outer leaves are similar in white coat. Smell cool Lam Chuan has called Rneyhyn Panan pandan leaf species with large leaves root fever cure poison poison poison blood, phlegm, diuretic cure gonorrhea Amueuid stone.Eeebamืonrong flowers with 3 white, pink and red leaves and worm drive from Tan Top Rail of eating healing hiccup. Roots cooked as chelation earthworm Solving fecal foam And white blood smells fishy Pound the leaves crushed enough. Apply adhesive grease squeezes out water. Disinfection for children. Grow along the fence to see the beautiful flowers.Bouquet of flowers to smell flowers Sarapee White Yellow flower pollen prepared as herbal medicine. But smell is a cordial Invigorate A tonicChrysanthemum petals are fringed with flowers in many colors and sizes big and small bring the dried aromatic brew drinking water cure dry Like a flower that Chinese people called Eu๊uฮyi.Flower samples were collected flowers like small round seeds, eggs, or sago are bright yellow, fragrant roots used as a strong emetic drugs when the symptoms neutralize Mt.Dok Champa flower petals as a long-held yellow, orange or red, fragrant flowers are bitter root bark used to treat leprosy purulent scabies sores on flowers and seeds used to make aspirin. That loss, nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness, headache.Dousrngoi Srngoioinnie a flower or flowers blue blue blue flowers bloom is a bouquet of vine wood swagFlowering vine Charlie or vine Charlie Cingcgrchaee flowers yellow to bunch small genus with crispa from bitter resolve smallpox cure yellow fever cure ฝeurฬ solve fever tonic maintenance gastric ulcer appetite leaves kill parasites solve the cancer flowers using driver parasites in the stomach in the tooth. fresh leaves in the ear to mask the less cold sores cause pain neutralize toxic fire starters all solution dry food drive.Ma Gan or tiger flower head (M girl Wed) flowers with a yellow flower-like aroma of wood samples were collected with a tiger acerbity Bark used to cure a toxic mucus and blood drive to solve the leaves used to cure joint pain swellingYen Flower Characteristics Flower horn length is small. Yellow, red and white flowers bloom evening rubbing paint your face acne Yen white flowers as a cosmetic skin called the Chinese beat Toyota cooked breakfast is medication sweating stop cure fever heat.Pikul Flower flowers small, white flowers clean wavy edge near the next door. Fragrant flowers are wilting, even strength and durability. Dried flowers are brownish bloom year-round use cooking Fragrances dryer.Gull with red flowers whitish flowers. Children are treated with sticky leaves boiled drinking cough medicine off the drugs neutralize toxic mucus roots, stems and leaves to cure fever, diuretic solve nephrosis.Nrongแigam double flowers with white flowers layered petals purple. Aromatic root used to cure poison strong diuretic, fever sores in the intestine nephrosis.Flower drug Used as herbs. To prepare perfume Once collected, and then have to exclude each other as a bundle and tie hanging head hanging down. Stored in a dry place. Do not dry sunny I try to avoid moisture. Enough flowers wither apply them with flowers rose flower Pikul Lamchiak lotus flower, orange flower, jasmine petals also use fresh and dried flowers. Pushed out of the flowers. Enter round container made of glass. Then dry with sunny outdoors. If using fresh flowers, herbs Machine 100 g. If using dried 1 cup 50 grams of pure water.