วันศุกร์ที่ 27 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Flower forget me not.

After you know the advantage of the flowers to it a lot and tired my moment henceforth will come to know the history and meaning of flowers each, some have been better in. the beginning of flowering the first well at all I just recently saw people safe. Where he has a couple, then envy Oh so I want a pair with him what I would like to cite a flower that represents love, indeed the story to each other listening to expectations, it 'are tired enough to know and use the silk as it is a flower what is correct in. flowers. today is the flowering Ford packet with nuts.
History of Fort packet with nuts. Most people come to know and grow Ford nut socket with a particular strain from the original small blue flowers. And recount the myth of western people since ancient times that A German knight who dress in armor Eeeamis to fight. Farewell between lovers. Was bent to pick flowers to give to a young woman fell into the water and then slip. Could not be more out of the water because of its heavy armor. And before the young knight to pay great move to the water. Threw flowers to the woman in love with yelled, "Remember me" or "Fort socket with nut, flower, this is called forget me not flowers For skating with the Knoxville Dot also means love. genuine Often appear regularly on a Valentine's card, young couples give to each other. And became a flower that until today.
The "For Socket bolts with Angels" is a new breed imported from Australia. There is a special breed from the old flower head is large and multi-colored flowers are considered best to have a unique scent. It is becoming widely popular of today's rapidly growing.
General Characteristics Ford nut socket with an angel or ANGELFACE PINK in family ANGELONIA a semi-annual water wood with 2 years stems erect leaves are 1 meter high single leaf. The opposite third leaf is layered from stem to tip the leaves on the stem are larger than the card next in the order to shoot leaves are oval pointed cone attached to them, most will break. branches from the base of trees. Each branch will lift stand
Characteristics of a bouquet of flowers will bloom clusters as leaves from the corner. Stem up the middle to balance the trunk. Each bouquet consists of many small flowers. Christianity as a sort rules. Full bloom diameter is about half an inch in many colors such as pink, purple, white and colored beads Maprang flowers are fragrant light. If planted as a group. Divided into zones, each color When a Dog and flowers bloom simultaneously. Is a natural beauty with lovely smelly aroma gently into the nose very impressed by the flowers out ever. Propagation by cuttings planting trees. Grown in common soil. Are not like sunlight and like lots of water. So, after growing need watering regularly and fertilizing once a month 16-16-16 formula is not lacking from the beautiful flowers.
Propagation. Early mother nearly 2 feet from the base of a tree, cut the lead to creep cut into 2 pieces soak in 3 inch high containers leaving its roots germinated 10-15 days out can be grown at all. But early in the catch should be set for 10 days and 16-16-16 fertilizer once before planting ornamental outdoor The parents to be cut will be branching up again and stay offline for 2 years before expiration.

